You're 3 times more likely to

Stop smoking with GoSmokeFree

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  • Trained Nursing Sister
  • Advice on Medicines
  • Weekly Monitoring and Support

Take a FREE online Nicotine Dependency Test

Knowing your dependence will help to determine the correct approach to quit smoking.

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Client success stories


I had been smoking for 16 years since the age of 16 years old, and tried numerous times to stop smoking over the last 10 years with various methods all proving unsuccessful.



As I write this, I have been smoke - free 9 and a half weeks. It is still early days, but I know that I will never smoke again.

Save up to R1000 a month when you quit your 20-a-day habit.
After 20 mins
After 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse slow down.
8 hrs
After 8 hours your nicotine levels reduce by half and oxygen levels return to normal so you can breath easier.
24 hrs
In 24 hours carbon monoxide leaves your body and lungs start to clear mucous and smoking debris.
2-3 days
After 2-3 days your sense of smell and taste is enhanced.
72 hrs
After 72 hours breathing is much easier and your energy levels will increase.
3-12 mnths
In 3–12 months your skin will start to look younger and your teeth whiter.
5 Yrs
After 5 years heart attack risk falls to half that of a smoker.
10 Yrs
In 10 years your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker and heart disease risk is the same as someone who has never smoked.

Use our resources

We’re building a collection of videos, articles, links and clinical research to help you on your GoSmokeFree Journey.

Lastest Article

Does smoking increase the likelihood of contracting COVID-19?

There is as yet no direct evidence that a history of smoking makes an individual more likely to contract COVID-19 …

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